Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Okay, so that's funny for me anyway. So yeah, welcome to the inaugural post on my very own blog! You should feel honored to be gaining some insight into my madness....or something ;-)

I have no idea what I'm going to write about up here, thus the "Rambling Harvey" blog name. I tend to have a lot to say about random stuff, so if you like ramblings, random stuff, and/or me, you'll probably be able to get some amusement from reading whatever I end up posting here. Or, at least that's the hope, I suppose.

I've been contemplating putting up a blog for a while now. After some pushes from my new buddy, JRod (check his blog out over here!) and his other half Abby, I find myself here in front of all of you. (Thanks JRod!)

If/when my other friends catch wind of this corner of the intarweb, I'm sure that they'll find out some things about me they didn't know before...and that's kinda fun too.

For those who *don't* really know much about me, here's a quick summary...not fully inclusive, just some random facts:
  • I'm an only child
  • I grew up in VERY rural Sweet Valley, PA (and no, I didn't go to Sweet Valley High)
  • I love sports (even when I damn near break my ankle playing them...stupid hoops)
  • I love Sci Fi
  • I love reading
  • I love video games
  • I work as a computer programmer (and used to work in the video game industry)
  • I'm an excellent listener
  • I'm an even better friend
  • I crave sushi often
That's pretty much all for now...but a parting thought before I publish my first official blog post...

I think that this will probably be a pretty liberating experience for me, if I keep up with this blogging thing. I tend to have a lot on my mind about a lot of things, but rarely get it all out in conversations. Actually writing out my thoughts and ideas for the world to see will make me take ownership of them in front of the cyber-world out here.

On that note, I'm off to dinner! Hopefully I'll be back to write more soon.


JROD said...

Oh hell yeah! Good to see you online buddy. I'll be an avid reader of the rambling harvey.... looking forward to your next post when I come back from Puerto Rico bro. Look for your blog among my favorites (you are thinking- "wow that was easy") :)

JROD said...

hello Chris, its me God, are you out there :)

Abigail said...


This is cruel. I demand a new post.

Post-haste. (har de har har)